Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Raingutter Regatta

The raingutter regatta is like the pinewood derby except on water. The cub scouts got their boats a month before the race but like always I am last-minute-larry and we started the day of the race.
So we read through the instructions that came with the kit and of course I couldn't figure them out. Like always if I can't figure it out I check online, and there is actually a lot of info about raingutter regattas online. So we downloaded it.

The first instructions that we read on the downloaded material started something like this---21 days before the race do.... then they went on to say 18 days before the race do.... At this point I started to sweat bullet and felt like we were up a creek without a paddle so to speak. So I said to Cameron"Well we better get started and you had better go find a knife so that we can whittle this down and get to work". He said "But mom the other instructions said NOT to use a knife!" So I handed him the sanding block and wished him luck.

His boat turned out great 9 hours later. It really was a fun day spending time on something other than homework.

Now when I heard about this Raingutter Regatta the first thought that I had was "This would be better done in the summer". When we got to the gym my thoughts were confirmed. It was very messy and all the moms just sat and stared as we wondered who on earth was going to clean up the mess when it was over. Luckily there were some really nice dads that pitched in.

The idea of the race is this, place the boat in the raingutter and then provide the wind. There were several different races. This one was-- have a parent help you-- race. I am so glad I have a scout.

This is Cameron racing with his bestest best buddy!!


Nick and Jen said...

So fun! I am the same way...last minute on everything. But hey, it turned out!:) So grateful for the internet! It sure was nice of the daddies to help clean!

Law Alexander Dee Gabaldon said...

Nice job! & the BEST smelling sailing boat too! LOL